i am at the part of the game where i've beaten the 9 tail fox boss, and now i'm at another sliding block puzzle. problem is i've no idea what needs to be done. any advice?
All I can remember about the "water cave puzzle" is that you have to move the blocks out of the way so that the water from the top can pour down into the bottom of the board. So in other words, clear a path from the top to the bottom of the board for the waterfall or spring or whatever it was to flow downwards. It's been awhile since I last played this game and can't quite recall everything perfectly anymore.
"Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind." - Edward D. Morrison (Tales of Phantasia)
Everyone feels that way, even the writer and technical advisor, hausen! What we need is a good FAQ/Walkthrough!!
Whoops, that's taking a while, isn't it? Here's what I have from when I last added to it:
Spoiler! :
Welcome to Shiji Hero Legend, the
Make save states very often! Until you can hire Xian [SHL###], always save a state with your selector over "Escape".
◆ PART I: Hometown Village ~ Linzi ◆ [SHL001] ■ Home village Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples, two missing siblings, a strong sense of justice, a penis. I have just described to you the main character.
▼ Items: Herbs (pots in main character's house) ###▽ House in front of the village You can rest for free at Chen's old man's house in the east of the village.
▼ After finishing a few battles and talking with the villagers, an event will occur when you return home. ▼ The only way to survive the three unavoidable battles is running from them.
======================== ■ Old Chen's Hermitage ■ ======================== ◆ Three mini-games ◆ 1. Color matching ▽ If using any emulator, SAVE A STATE AS SOON AS THE SCREEN TRANSITIONS TO THE PUZZLE. Strategy forthcoming Tricks: * Before Chen moves the stones, start recording a video. Then click through it in reverse, moving the stones back to their original positions accordingly. * If you have a second SNES controller or can emulate one, hold B at any point to undo all the moves, including the ones done to set up the puzzle.
* If neither of the above are an option for you, don't give up. You'll find it's a lot easier than it looks once you've made a few moves. <REFORMAT> 2. Nim (1-2-3) ▽ There are winning strategies, but since this is a simple version, just use this flowchart. * Take 3 from the mountain on the right first.
2. If the opponent takes one in the middle, take one on the left. 3. The opponent takes one from the center or the right, so take two from either mountain → win
2. If the opponent takes one on the right, take two in the middle. 3. Take 1 remaining → Win
2. If the opponent takes one on the left, take one in the middle. 3. The opponent takes one from the middle or the right, so take two from either mountain → Win
2 and even if the opponent takes two from the right and three from the middle, you will definitely win. </REFORMAT> 3. Tiger Hanzi Rearrangement * All of these sliding puzzles are easily, albeit tediously, doable by continuously making random moves. Since this one always starts in the same position, this series of moves gets it done the quickest: [COPY FROM PUZZLE GUIDE OR ONLINE SOLVER]
▼ You have now learned from someone with Old Chen's skills! Go forth and adventure!
▼ The ferry to Luoyang is in the southernmost accessible part of the map. Do a few battles just in case. You can go back to the first hermitage any time it's accessible to get a free heal, but once leaving for Luoyang that isn't going to be doable for a very long time.
■ Ferry to Luoyang ▼ [TRADE QUEST MARKER]Talk to the travellers until you get Special Tonic. It's okay if you forget this, but you'll need to do it eventually. ▼ Once you talk to everyone, the ship captain will get out of the way. None of them have stamps, but it's always worth paying attention to the dialogue in this game for one reason or another. ▼ Apparently, there's an Herb in the ground on the far right at the opposite port. I wouldn't worry about it.
=========== ■ Luoyang ■ ===========
◆ Stamps Flower Belle (1) Tradesman (2) Tavern 2F customers (3) L:u Buwei's House 2F Customers (4)
▼ You can get a Pocket Tissue every time you enter the city and talk to the Flower Belle. They only sell for 1 G (although you can haggle to 10 for 9[see more in XXXXX],) so it's not a big deal. ▼ Go to Ji Chang's house, in the upper part of the town. It's the right of the two houses next to each other. Just let him know you're there. ▼ Go to L:u Buwei's house, which takes up most of the right half of the map. There's been a fire! How terrible! But you and your trusty old self are here to save the day!
▼ After the fire event, L:u Buwei will give you Silk Clothes and Fan Li's Seal. Equip the former right away. Don't worry about the latter for now.
Items in L:u Buwei's house (after the fire): 1F: Herbs, ?? Elixir 3F: ?? Elixir [SCRIPT FILES DON'T HAVE ITEM NAMES OUTSIDE OF DIALOGUE, CONSULT WB/DD]
■ Cave South of Luoyang ▼ Time for your first dungeon! On the way, be careful not to walk too far down; you may run into undefeatable enemies. However, you will still need to grind a bit to survive the upcoming trial. Loiter around near Luoyang.
▼ TAKE THE SECOND STAIRS. NOT THE FIRST ONE! As one of the game's "jokes", taking the short way is proven not to be the easy way, as the enemies downstairs are stronger than any you'll find until almost the very end. ▼ However, if you're okay with breaking the fourth wall (as you are, reading this,) try using savestates to escape from a few for some sizable EXP that you badly need right now. Make sure to not keep loading from the same state, as the RNG state will not advance meaningfully. ▼ [TRADE QUEST MARKER]Talk to the man. If you have the Special Tonic, he will give you the Dried Plums.
Items in upstairs of dungeon (all visible): Herb, Herb, Herb, Small Fang
■ Guiguzi's Hermitage ▼ That wasn't so bad, right? Let's follow Ji Chang's advice and see Guiguzi (you may want to look up how that's pronounced). ▼ His place is southeast of the cave exit, not too far. If you do go too far, you'll know, but not before too late.
▼ Enter the fence from the side, go in, and learn the great hermit's skills, your first four "spells"! ▼ You also get a Beast Horn (cheap sell item) and the Demon's Seal. It isn't important yet, unless you have gold in the thousands (is this possible?)
■ Yangzhai ▼ Off to Yangzhai you go! As the world map says, go northeast. ▼ On the way, you will meet the one, the only, Lin Xiangru! Do you want him to join you? Yeah, I thought you did!
▼ Some people are ganging up to attack someone in the street! This'll be fun to watch! Thank goodness for no Good Samaritan Laws! ▼ But who is this person who walks this honorable path? Jing Ke, a flattering (as usual) depiction.
◆ Stamp Tradesman (5) Inn 2F Traveler (6) Takatoyo (7) Housewife of a private house (8)
▼ You can now use Jing's Stealth to avoid encounters. Don't count on it yet, though; you need some EXP, and his MP runs out pretty fast even with this low-cost spell.
▼ [TRADE QUEST MARKER]In the Inn, trade Dried Plums for a Shiitake (mushroom). Bartering is the key to success in this old world, after all. You trade the Fishing Rod for the Mottled Eel in Chunshen's mansion, which you don't have yet.
▼ There is a Steel Armor in front of the wood in the middle of the vacant lot. [TEST] It sells for 5500 G (maybe higher; I didn't test this one properly). [UNESSENTIAL YANGZHAI STUFF]
▼ Over to the east, you'll get to take a ferry to Linzi.
Joined: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:54 pm Posts: 2340 Location: Virginia
Sherkel wrote:
Wildbill wrote:
Everyone feels that way, even the writer and technical advisor, hausen! What we need is a good FAQ/Walkthrough!!
Whoops, that's taking a while, isn't it? Here's what I have from when I last added to it:
Spoiler! :
Welcome to Shiji Hero Legend, the
Make save states very often! Until you can hire Xian [SHL###], always save a state with your selector over "Escape".
◆ PART I: Hometown Village ~ Linzi ◆ [SHL001] ■ Home village Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples, two missing siblings, a strong sense of justice, a penis. I have just described to you the main character.
▼ Items: Herbs (pots in main character's house) ###▽ House in front of the village You can rest for free at Chen's old man's house in the east of the village.
▼ After finishing a few battles and talking with the villagers, an event will occur when you return home. ▼ The only way to survive the three unavoidable battles is running from them.
======================== ■ Old Chen's Hermitage ■ ======================== ◆ Three mini-games ◆ 1. Color matching ▽ If using any emulator, SAVE A STATE AS SOON AS THE SCREEN TRANSITIONS TO THE PUZZLE. Strategy forthcoming Tricks: * Before Chen moves the stones, start recording a video. Then click through it in reverse, moving the stones back to their original positions accordingly. * If you have a second SNES controller or can emulate one, hold B at any point to undo all the moves, including the ones done to set up the puzzle.
* If neither of the above are an option for you, don't give up. You'll find it's a lot easier than it looks once you've made a few moves. <REFORMAT> 2. Nim (1-2-3) ▽ There are winning strategies, but since this is a simple version, just use this flowchart. * Take 3 from the mountain on the right first.
2. If the opponent takes one in the middle, take one on the left. 3. The opponent takes one from the center or the right, so take two from either mountain → win
2. If the opponent takes one on the right, take two in the middle. 3. Take 1 remaining → Win
2. If the opponent takes one on the left, take one in the middle. 3. The opponent takes one from the middle or the right, so take two from either mountain → Win
2 and even if the opponent takes two from the right and three from the middle, you will definitely win. </REFORMAT> 3. Tiger Hanzi Rearrangement * All of these sliding puzzles are easily, albeit tediously, doable by continuously making random moves. Since this one always starts in the same position, this series of moves gets it done the quickest: [COPY FROM PUZZLE GUIDE OR ONLINE SOLVER]
▼ You have now learned from someone with Old Chen's skills! Go forth and adventure!
▼ The ferry to Luoyang is in the southernmost accessible part of the map. Do a few battles just in case. You can go back to the first hermitage any time it's accessible to get a free heal, but once leaving for Luoyang that isn't going to be doable for a very long time.
■ Ferry to Luoyang ▼ [TRADE QUEST MARKER]Talk to the travellers until you get Special Tonic. It's okay if you forget this, but you'll need to do it eventually. ▼ Once you talk to everyone, the ship captain will get out of the way. None of them have stamps, but it's always worth paying attention to the dialogue in this game for one reason or another. ▼ Apparently, there's an Herb in the ground on the far right at the opposite port. I wouldn't worry about it.
=========== ■ Luoyang ■ ===========
◆ Stamps Flower Belle (1) Tradesman (2) Tavern 2F customers (3) L:u Buwei's House 2F Customers (4)
▼ You can get a Pocket Tissue every time you enter the city and talk to the Flower Belle. They only sell for 1 G (although you can haggle to 10 for 9[see more in XXXXX],) so it's not a big deal. ▼ Go to Ji Chang's house, in the upper part of the town. It's the right of the two houses next to each other. Just let him know you're there. ▼ Go to L:u Buwei's house, which takes up most of the right half of the map. There's been a fire! How terrible! But you and your trusty old self are here to save the day!
▼ After the fire event, L:u Buwei will give you Silk Clothes and Fan Li's Seal. Equip the former right away. Don't worry about the latter for now.
Items in L:u Buwei's house (after the fire): 1F: Herbs, ?? Elixir 3F: ?? Elixir [SCRIPT FILES DON'T HAVE ITEM NAMES OUTSIDE OF DIALOGUE, CONSULT WB/DD]
■ Cave South of Luoyang ▼ Time for your first dungeon! On the way, be careful not to walk too far down; you may run into undefeatable enemies. However, you will still need to grind a bit to survive the upcoming trial. Loiter around near Luoyang.
▼ TAKE THE SECOND STAIRS. NOT THE FIRST ONE! As one of the game's "jokes", taking the short way is proven not to be the easy way, as the enemies downstairs are stronger than any you'll find until almost the very end. ▼ However, if you're okay with breaking the fourth wall (as you are, reading this,) try using savestates to escape from a few for some sizable EXP that you badly need right now. Make sure to not keep loading from the same state, as the RNG state will not advance meaningfully. ▼ [TRADE QUEST MARKER]Talk to the man. If you have the Special Tonic, he will give you the Dried Plums.
Items in upstairs of dungeon (all visible): Herb, Herb, Herb, Small Fang
■ Guiguzi's Hermitage ▼ That wasn't so bad, right? Let's follow Ji Chang's advice and see Guiguzi (you may want to look up how that's pronounced). ▼ His place is southeast of the cave exit, not too far. If you do go too far, you'll know, but not before too late.
▼ Enter the fence from the side, go in, and learn the great hermit's skills, your first four "spells"! ▼ You also get a Beast Horn (cheap sell item) and the Demon's Seal. It isn't important yet, unless you have gold in the thousands (is this possible?)
■ Yangzhai ▼ Off to Yangzhai you go! As the world map says, go northeast. ▼ On the way, you will meet the one, the only, Lin Xiangru! Do you want him to join you? Yeah, I thought you did!
▼ Some people are ganging up to attack someone in the street! This'll be fun to watch! Thank goodness for no Good Samaritan Laws! ▼ But who is this person who walks this honorable path? Jing Ke, a flattering (as usual) depiction.
◆ Stamp Tradesman (5) Inn 2F Traveler (6) Takatoyo (7) Housewife of a private house (8)
▼ You can now use Jing's Stealth to avoid encounters. Don't count on it yet, though; you need some EXP, and his MP runs out pretty fast even with this low-cost spell.
▼ [TRADE QUEST MARKER]In the Inn, trade Dried Plums for a Shiitake (mushroom). Bartering is the key to success in this old world, after all. You trade the Fishing Rod for the Mottled Eel in Chunshen's mansion, which you don't have yet.
▼ There is a Steel Armor in front of the wood in the middle of the vacant lot. [TEST] It sells for 5500 G (maybe higher; I didn't test this one properly). [UNESSENTIAL YANGZHAI STUFF]
▼ Over to the east, you'll get to take a ferry to Linzi.
========= ■ Linzi ■ =========
Outstanding! But we’re not under any deadlines here. Take time to smell the roses abd enjoy the games!
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