Not an easy game.
When I first entered the final dungeon I was maybe level 34 or 35. In the end, I beat it at level 41. I just kind of got tired of grinding in the front throne room and went for the rest of the final dungeon, using stealth the entire way (what a godsend). Having to face all the bosses again got me from 40 to level 41. You?
What did you have the most trouble with in this game?
-I had trouble with Nim, personally. The game with 3 piles of beads. You play twice, first in a 1-3-5 configuration and a second time with a 3-5-7 configuration.
-The part towards the end where you need to trade a bunch of items was also tough, not knowing exactly where to go. (like trading the fishing rod for an eel, for example). But this trading was required to get one of the 5 items towards the end of the game so I could not avoid it any longer.
-Knowing what to do in the cave in the NW, near the Great Wall of China. Thanks for the help. I ...
-What I also found tough was, sometimes, simply knowing what to do next to progress the plot and game. I thought the game had, at times, weird triggers to progress the game. The first half of the game wasn't even that tough IMO other than my struggles with NIM and I flew through it maybe in a day and a half, but the 2nd half of the game really started to get cryptic and required a lot more time and dedication.
Overall another excellent translation. This was harder than 7th Saga IMO. Bosses were, shockingly, one of the easier aspects of the game! In fact, I was blown away that one strategy works on almost all bosses including the final one:
I was also shocked at how generous the game was with item drops. I know a number of times i had 4 iron swords or 4 silver elixirs drop or 4 beast fangs, so ample chances to sell tons of excess dropped items.
Another super helpful tip, HP and MP are restored each level up. If timed well, you can get those just before having to face a boss as a free healing.