When you level-up, half-a-dozen or so attributes increase. These weren't translated previously, so the screen displayed the numerics but not the names. Bongo` has dumped them lately, along with a few other short strings that don't seem to pertain to attributes. I have done a reading of these and would simply like for a(n) talented translator(s) to double/triple check them for us.
What's vexing here is that the Japanese on the Status pages and in these attribute pulls don't match up exactly. We may need to re-think the attribute entries on the status pages (Filler?).
Characters that will fit in the level-up strings are unknown. The usual numbers are 8-15 characters.
; たいりょ
Physical Strength/Strength/Attack
; せいしんりょ
Mental Strength/Spirit
; わんりょ
Brute Force/Power/Attack
; きゃくりょ
; しゅびりょ
Agility(?) (Defense Force)
; ちりょ
; うん
Luck (Yeah/Yup/Uh, Oh)
; だいマップ
; ちゅうマップ
Parking Map/Deep Map
; しょうマップ
Small Map
; ようまのかず
As well as
; ようまのしゅるい
Mystics/Sewage System
; はいけい
Background/Leaving (Evasiveness?)
.Offset = $0000DBBB ; 13
; アマデウス
Amadeus (as in Wolfgang Mozart?)