Filler decided the English sub-title for this project a while back. I could (and will, if necessary) dig it out of e-mail.
Now's a good time to consider where to place that sub-title, above (red) or below (purple) the "3X3" and what else to place on this screenshot of the current Japanese title screen (or maybe blot out altogether). Some of the white script below "Start", if translated, is redundant to "Yutaka", I believe. Might want D-D, Not for Sale, or another option for some or all of that - just need to know what to ask of FlashPV.
I've opened up discussion on Shiji's title screen, too. Once decided on both, I'm hoping FlashPV will grace our projects with yet two more English title screens. Ideally, I would like to communicate with him on both of these at the same time and allow him the maximum lead time possible.
I'm already about 22% through this game with a fully playable mostly English beta (lacking a bit of tile conversion in the intro).