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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:16 pm 
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Gideon Zhi wrote:

Hey all, I know I don't post on cohost much, but RHDN imploding is seismic, so, resharing. This is largely copy/pasted from other socials, so it won't contain anything you may not have already seen. Post follows.

So by now you've probably seen that romhacking.net is effectively dead. In the end, it's probably for the best; the site was built in the mid aughts and its backend hadn't been re-engineered, well, ever. Consequently it was costing its administrator hundreds of dollars per month. Nightcrawler, the admin, was burnt out, and I sympathize. I'm burnt out too! But he existed as a single point of failure for the site and exerted iron-fisted control over community-created content, and categorically refused basically all offers of help over the last decade. Remember all those times the site went down, and stayed down for days at a time? It's because nobody had NC's contact information, only he could bring the site back up, and whenever anyone pointed out that the situation was less than ideal, they were rebuffed.

In Dec '23, NC posted about an imminent shutdown. Staff offered to help. It was initially refused. The site was originally going to just be turned off -- no archive, no handoff, nothing. 20 years of community contributions just gone. NC claimed to want a successor (singular) to build a new site, but his requirements were unrealistic by any measure. Said successor would have needed to have passion for the hobby, have donated to the site in the past several years (despite no donations being taken) and the technical know-how to actually administer an archival platform of RHDN's size. A real unicorn. Of course, none presented themselves, and no effort was ever actually made to seek one out.

After lengthy negotiation NC eventually acquiesced to handing off datacrystal, and to swapping out the file-serving back end with an S3 bucket as an initial transition step while a replacement could be built. It'd help relieve the cost burden. It took a lot of convincing, and I don't think he really understood that S3 was way more cost-effective than the way files were currently being served. At one point he posted "Sending thumb drives to Canada doesn't help" like he couldn't just upload the files into the bucket.

One real kick in the teeth came after switching the back-end to AWS S3. AWS was the initial pick because it was obvious that if something didn't happen fast, the site would die, and AWS was the easiest initial choice. Discord staff set up the S3 bucket, and had to walk NC through the changes that needed to be made to the back-end. To help reduce the financial burden on NC, Discord staff gladly offered to pay the S3 bill -- to the tune of $200 or so per month. After some further research, it became apparent that Discord staff could save a significant amount of money by changing S3 providers. The new bucket was set up, but when the time came to make the change NC refused to do it, even though he was not the one footing the bill.

Staff grew increasingly frustrated. Days would pass without response from NC. He refused to join the Discord to talk about solutions in real-time. Did we vent in private? Sure. Did we dox or threaten? Fucking hell, no! And frankly I'm LIVID at even the suggestion that we did. I'm even angrier at comparisons being drawn between disgruntled staff and the scum-suckers that drove Near to end their life. What happened to Near is an absolute tragedy and I sincerely hope there's a special place in Hell for the human garbage that tormented them.

So, yeah. Mourn for RHDN. But this was not the outcome anyone wanted, and Nightcrawler is not the victim here.

Oh, and for those offering RHDO (won't link) as an alternative? It's not. For so many reasons, it's not.

Source: https://cohost.org/gideonzhi/post/7131478-rip-rhdn

"Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind."
- Edward D. Morrison (Tales of Phantasia)

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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 3:47 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:49 pm
Posts: 1
Greatly amused by this thread, and the one on RHDN. Also misspelled my name when i signed up by accident... (stupid sticky keys)

almost glad to see nothing changed at RHDN, and no doubt things like the heat you're getting now contributed to both Nightcrawlers ennui, and the site falling apart, though it was definitely helped along by the "staff" and their double standards. It greatly amuses me that even in its death throes, the site still cant get past usere endlessly politicking, and posts going missing.

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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:15 am 
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@Recca: Thanks for posting that news From Ghideon, but *ugh* do we really need any more drama from this? Of course, there are always two sides to every story, and I guess we got them now. It doesn't make me feel any better about what happened. I was a quite surprised to read that Ghideon was one of the people in Discord working with (or against Nightcrawler, depending on which version of the story you believe) getting the site in order. Oh well, as far as I'm concerned, it's over. Sorry to see it change, but something else will come along to fill the void eventually. I'd rather enjoy playing games and watching great TV with what little free time I have, and not worry so much about "scene drama" ;)

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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 4:09 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:16 pm
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Recca wrote:
You are of course, 100% right, Taskforce. In retrospect, it would have been much better and far easier to simply tell such individuals to simply not play it or translate it themselves if they wish and leave it at that, as you've said. However, the problem lay in the fact that I was not just speaking on behalf of our own translations, but rather those of every group that was ever driven away from RHDN by people there such as those that run amok and do nothing but constantly complain and demonize the ones that actually put in the effort to release romhacks and translations in the first place.

I was also stuck in a loop in which I was constantly accused of being tolerant of right-wing messages in translations, but not left-wing ones, which is not at all what I said. What I tried explaining to these people was that no one has the right to berate or harass a group for what they choose to put in their romhack/translation. For example, pressuring Tom to change a certain word in his Goemon translation was wrong, as was attacking Wildbill and our entire group in general over a message placed within the Super Shell Monsters Story translation. Which by the way, wasn't no where as big of a deal as some people made it out to be. Sure, it might have broken character a bit, but it was funny to see. Besides, what was so bad about it anyway? People these days sure get offended easily over nothing.

But yeah, I probably should not have allowed myself to sink down to their level. Simply ignoring and not engaging with such people is usually for the best, but some might see it as though you've "lost the argument" if you do so. Instead, I tried explaining my point to them as best as I could, but some were just not willing to listen to reason. Seeing that one fanatical leftist saying that they contribute more by virtue signaling and complaining instead of actually working on romhacks/translations themselves sure was laughable. These self-entitled type people really vex and put me in a bad mood, especially considering that they seem to be just about everywhere these days. So, I'll leave it at that for now. I see that the thread in question has now been locked at RHDN, which is probably for the best at this point, seeing as it devolved into nothing more than a back and forth trolling session by the end of it.

Edit: I also forgot to mention those that harassed Aishsha and the rest of his team about adding subs to the intro of his PoPoLoCrois translation, not just on RHDN, but also on his own site as well until he finally snapped at them. Then these people acted as it they were the victims and as those Aishsha and rest of his group were the unreasonable ones. And as usual, a large group of these leftists then went on to accuse him of being "ableist, racist, sexist" and just about everything else -ist in the liberal dictionary of false accusations and pandering narratives. Because hey, if you don't like someone or something, call them a horrible thing and then get them cancelled, right? Yeah, that's the leftist way! These kinds of people make me sick...
this kind of @#$% makes me question if I am leftist or just pro lgbtq and woman’s rights I would not have flipped out like that I would ask for a intro translation in a readme and if they say no “beggars can’t be choosers “ my philosophy is all types of people should be treated fairly with love and respect as long as they do not harm others or are PDF s then they can go die in a fire but that’s it a simple sane worldview I cry and empathize with the struggles of lgbtq people in todays age they are always judged by the actions of a few the only time I would “Cancel “ some one is if I had dms of them saying x person is Slur Slur Slur I hope they go die in a fire all lgbtq people need to be shot although that probably would be canceling just showing the persons true bigoted and hate filled self as long as you treat others with respect I will politely disagree with the person not make @#$% up to make them look like a monster this world needs more kindness love understanding and rational behavior.

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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:57 pm 
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At the end of the day, RHDN was NC's baby. He was/is free to do with it as he pleases, just like everyone has doing their translation work or hacking work deciding to put it there or not. Gideon has/had no rights or expectations to anything. Even if he paid for things in the past. End of story. If NC doesn't trust him then he doesn't trust him. At the end of the day, it is NC's decision and nobody else. And lets be clear, Gideon's own past actions could give someone reason to pause and think twice. I understand if NC felt that way. Saying that, I'd understand even if he didn't. NC doesn't feel he is the right choice, he might feel nobody is. That is totally up to him and his choice to make. It isn't like he didn't release the resources for anyone that wants to rebuild the backend. He did more than he has any obligation to because his obligation is nothing, he doesn't have one to anyone. Like it or not. And since people were venting of his own admission, I can see that getting back to NC and just causing a bad situation to get worse. Maybe he doesn't have time to deal with you wanting to change bucket providers again. And I totally get that he doesn't want people mucking in his backend for whatever reason he might have. Believe me, someone in a backend that doesn't know how it works can be a very bad and dangerous thing. Especially dealing with databases and custom program code. One wrong line of code can destroy a database. Or far worse, create a security hole that releases data to the public. When NC wants someone very familiar with how to program a backend, it is kind of an absolute necessity. Not just any average joe that can do html, css and such will do. And poking at a programming language on occasion won't either. Programming for databases is a complicated beast, and he doesn't have the patience or time for somone to learn on the fly. And no, even if that is how he learned (and I'm not saying it is or isn't), he still needs someone that knows how right now.


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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:45 am 
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You're absolutely right of course, Taskforce. Despite what I or anyone else might think about RHDN, it was NC's in the end. And like you said, he is definitely free to do as he pleases with the site. However, that doesn't mean everyone will agree or be content with his decisions. Especially considering the size and importance of said site on the community as a whole. And also when reasonable suggestions for improvement and offers for help are refused or ignored. Anyway, I don't mean to further continue this discussion, as I can see that everyone here is starting to get a little annoyed and bored with all this drama. I'll just leave a link down below with the newest development on these events if anyone is interesting in reading further on what happened recently regarding RHDN:


Edit: Just for clarification, I'm not trying to "pick sides" in this ongoing situation. The link above was merely for the sake of providing some more information on the matter. No one expect for NC and the RHDN staff directly involved truly know all the details. Regardless of all that, I do agree with my teammates that all this drama has started to become quite tiresome, so I'll leave it at that. The new RHDO site looks pretty good so far, and if it continues to grow, it may serve as the definite replacement for RHDN as the central hub of romhacking/translations, but only time will tell if that's true or not.

"Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind."
- Edward D. Morrison (Tales of Phantasia)

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Post subject: Re: END OF AN ERA!!
PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:12 am 
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Don't worry, you're not upsetting me. Can't speak for the others. I was just pointing out that there truly is no two sides here. The only side is NC and what he wants to do, nobody else truly has skin in the game so to speak.


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