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Post subject: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:16 pm 
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Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:37 pm
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I thought this might be an interesting topic where posters can say what games they are currently playing and can later update when they start new games.

As for myself, I just got my Xbox 360 back from repairs (I think I got a Jasper in return which will really reduce RROD) so I am trying to finish Infinite Undiscovery. I am also playing Der Langrisser on the SNES here and there.

Winston Churchill in response to forming an alliance with the Soviet Union during World War 2:
If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons

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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:51 pm 
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I am in Chapter 28 (of 30) Luminous Arc-II. I have been hitting all of the guild and spa battles, so I'm really dragging my feet with the main story. If anyone knows a quick way to deal with the ?Kopins in the SPAs (Silver Magic users), I'm all ears.

Meanwhile, I'm in the early stages of writing Slayers (2nd town and Hydra Mountain). I also need to review Red Soul's upgrade to Feda and get the new version released. I won't even mention MA V1.01 universal... hee-hee...

If Bongo` sends me Slayers menu support tonight, I'll find another excuse not to continue my BSNES play-through of MA V1.01. The changes won't be major or significant anyway. We've had very minimal typos and such found, and no crashes whatsoever in the world due to the patch itself (just cheat-induced freezes) that I've heard about.

V1.01 will just become the universal release for the 3 or 4 people left in the galaxy who refuse to play MA on ZSNES. But from now on, with our yet-to-be-released SNES patches, BSNES will likely become our recommended emulator. For writing stories, however, I'm just waiting for a BSNES screen shot hot key! F1, F2, and F4 on ZSNES make revising, checking, and recording newly inserted script lightning fast, almost as if ZSNES was designed with the game author in mind!


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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:25 pm 
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Future cop for PC

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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:43 pm 
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I'm poking at Ulrika's story on Mana Khemia II here and there again. It definitely isn't as interesting as Raze's side of things. Beyond that, nothing, besides putting what time I can into Hourai (which hasn't been much lately on either account).


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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:03 am 
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Dragon Quest V DS for me.
Currently leveling/recruiting monsters in Abovitall Tower to be able to fight Faux Dowage and not die in 5 turns.

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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:19 am 
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I've almost finished up Eternal Sonata for the PS3. Then, I have Ucharted 1 waiting for me, and I'm probably going to buy Uncharted 2 after that... I'm quite busy :D

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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:27 am 
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Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:05 am
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The Sims 2
oh yeah, and Pokemon snap.

Deeply uncool, I know.

I'm deeply in need of good games. I'm downloading Mystic Ark as I type, so theres hope for me yet :)


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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:47 am 
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Pokemon games are deceivingly complex (although the technicalities behind Snap are a little more general like centering, focus and posing) but don't think for a second the mainstream pokemon games are really meant for the kiddies as the box fronts say - kids hardly have the attention span, the foreplanning and patience necessary to raise a pokemon properly.

Nah, kids play it just because its a fad, and that gave this otherwise interesting series of games a very bad reputation, one that those that avoid popular things to be "cool" do nothing but bash at without the slightest scrape of sound judgement to their claims... anyway...you'll certainly enjoy Mystic Ark, be ready to be hooked into it for some good 50 hours if you intend to play it to the finish; having tested it extensively, I can say its a game that will grow on you and take you by storm, you won't be disappointed.

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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:56 am 
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Well, wish I could second that Red Soul but after world 3 there was no hope left of me finishing that game. I'm sorry but Mystic Ark IMO is a game that was best left on eastern shores. But hey, I'm only posting this to prove that we members are not above speaking our mind about our own group projects. Not everything we touch is gold in everone's eyes. If it isn't for you. Don't be ashamed to say that it is not.

Oh and I've played my share of Pokemon Snap. I'm not ashamed to admit it. However, I'm not really a big Pokemon fan though either. The original games had some charm but it was long since lost in all the sequels. And there is pretty much no redeeming qualities by this point. They need some kind of major innovation and not just the same rehashed game soon, but as long as it sells, that just won't happen. Maybe a deeper plot would be a start.


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Post subject: Re: What games are you currently playing
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:49 am 
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And here my friend Taskforce demonstrated what is I believe to be one of the team's biggest differentials:
We are united as a team and commited to our common propositions, but we also are free minded within
our very own framework: I really love Mystic Ark, even though at first I thought it would be dull as heck;

TF seemingly rode the opinion path in the opposite direction as time went - but that's the thing -
real team dynamics, and friendship above all, that stems from mutual respect, such a simple concept
but that is so lacking nowadays even in the most basic strata of society.

As TF said well, no one among us claims to be Midas; we work on games we deem worthy and
there will always be divergence - within and outside the group - but letting that break the work
cohesion demonstrates a lack of maturity that potentially endangers anything that is tentatively proposed.
I can safely say all of us are a notch above that potential problem.

As for Pokemon, I never thought it was about plot, the soul of the game is party micromanagement and foreplanning. In that sense, its my personal opinion that it shouldn't be called a RPG - the role played by the main character is dysmal compared to the ammount of time spent on numerous Pokemon operations: Training (including EV training), trait selection, moveset choice (including natural leveling, breeding and tutoring), Evolution control (certain pokemon need to have their evolutions planned, sometimes delayed sometimes rushed on a per case basis).

In short, there is a lot of micromanagement to do if you hope to create tournament worthy pokemon. but these things should never be minded on a first playthrough, just explore and try to find pokemon you like, then start thinking on how you can improve them, that's the challenge. Ultimately good pokemon will earn one versus wins and bragging rights - not any easier than maxing out, finding the best gear, mastering all spells and so on in real RPGs - so a challenge nevertheless, plot or no.

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