Non-poll: What RPG game do you wish had a sequel?
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Author:  ultpaladin [ Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-poll: What RPG game do you wish had a sequel?

Arc Rise Fantasia is actually a really good game despite the bad voice acting. The battle system is very well done and the story had some shocking turns to it.

Author:  Maeson [ Sat Nov 14, 2015 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-poll: What RPG game do you wish had a sequel?

I agree, the game is pretty awesome. It's challenging and the Battle system is addicting. I didn't expect less from some of the people that made Tales of Symphonia, another fantastic title.

I also really liked how it managed the weapons, buying a sword or a new staff wasn't a temporal upgrade that you would forget when you reached the next town, each weapon offered you different perks and unlockable abilities, and you could customize them. Plus Tetris. I want that system in more games.

The story... Well, it first starts as this incredible cliché of overusedness.

"Guy with big sword that supposedly is a relevant soldier encounters a mysterious Magical girl with amnesia and tag along to plot 'n @#$%."

Don't get me wrong, I like the story, but the first few hours are truly cliché, I would go as far as to say that they wanted it to be like that. Every single character stereotype is there. Drinking games could be created around that, and everybody would die.

Fortunatley the story and characters evolve beyond that and become much more interesting.Then there's the fact the game makes fun about the cliché thing several times, which made me like it more too, as the self-awareness made that part more enjoyable.

The bad voice acting is... well, I enjoy my cheesy Sonic or Resident Evil, so it's not a problem, yet I would understand if people doesn't like it. But they can turn it off if they want to, so the bitching about it was not deserved at all, and only shows you how little attention people pay to the options menu.

I've even seen modifications to the game so it has japanese voices instead of english.

Now I want to replay it, damn.

Oh, another game that I would like to see a sequel, Chaos Seed!

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