Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most?
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Author:  Maeson [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

Well, how Pokémon is not an RPG?

At it's roots, Pokémon is basically an RPG where you have the possibility to choose between dozens upon dozens of "characters" with different ways of doing things that can make each playthrough different. There are levels, stats, weaknesses and resistances, all kinds of attacks, shops... And that's the normal thing, if you want to get nerdy you have breeding, IVs, EVs, natures combinations to give new moves and more. There's quite a bit of maths there, if you want.

While the series is not that interesting to me today as it was time ago (As the games have changed from adventure and single player affair with multiplayer possibilities to a competitive online focus with less things for single player) I can't see how this is not an RPG.

Zelda on the other hand is not RPG, it's more of an adventure game. Except maybe Zelda 2, that's quite different, lol.

As for the Nintendo rpgs vs Sega rpgs... If we look back then, Sega wins, as Nintendo themselves didn't made that many rpgs. Nowadays I think it would be the opposite, as I don't see Sega doind that all, really. Nintendo right now has the Mario RPGs, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, and since now owns MonolithSoft, it also has the Xenoblade series, maybe Soma Bringer counts too, among other things.

As far as I know SNES is the system that has more RPGs. Not even PS1 reaches his level (And it has a lot of them too, both being my picks for RPG systems). Not that it matters, though, the "quantity" thing never seemed important or necessary to me.

For example Gamecube doesn't have many rpgs, but the selection of games is pretty good (Baten Kaitos series, Paper Mario 2, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Path of Radiance, the X-Men games, Gladius, Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2, and some more...).

I usually care more about the games themselves more than the ammount of them in a system. Because as many rpgs the SNES has, it has lots of them that I don't want to play myself.

Mostly because they are just dragon quest clones, lol.

Author:  SylarDean [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

taskforce wrote:
SylarDean wrote:
well my view on Sega.. is that they've NEVER been a great company for releasing RPG games in general, they have very few compared to other
companies *cough* Nintendo *cough* coumes to mind. If your an RPG nut then Nintendo is the way to go for them.. not to say though.. Sega DID
achieve some great RPG releases though with the lack of the genre, so my hat goes off to them for at least giving us those few.

Actually, that isn't true at all. Nintendo systems might have had more RPG's but definitely not Nintendo themselves. Sega was just as active if not far more so with RPG's for their various systems first party. Especially in Japan. Yes, they might not have been as active pulling in third party support in the 8/16 bit era but Nintendo wasn't very good at that themselves in the 32 bit era. And apples to apples with first party publishing, I'm pretty sure Sega would have many more than Nintendo even with all the Fire Emblems, Zelda's and Pokemon's they've released at this point. And at the end of the day, if you want to talk quantity per system, Sony probably wins that war. Though, I haven't done exact research to be sure (that's even assuming you count Pokemon as an RPG)

well yeah, that's basically what i was trying to say, that Nintendo consoles had the most rpg games on them rather than Sega, and besides Nintendo/Sega has to give the go ahead for that game
to be released on their system.. so it's Nintendo/Sega that has the over all say if a game gets released on their systems or not, hence the stickers they used to put on games..
"Nintendo Seal Of Approval".. The gold sunburst seal was first used by Nintendo of America, and later Nintendo of Europe. It is displayed on any game, system, or accessory licensed for use on one of its video game consoles, denoting the game has been properly approved by Nintendo. The seal is also displayed on any Nintendo-licensed merchandise, such as trading cards, game guides, or apparel, albeit with the words "Official Nintendo Licensed Product". But then again there IS the unofficial games that were released -

Sid Meier in 2008 said the Seal of Quality as one of the three most important innovations in videogame history, as it helped set a standard for game quality that protected consumers from shovelware. For many years, Nintendo had a policy of strict content guidelines for video games published on its consoles, if Nintendo said "NO" your game's not making it to one of their consoles then it never happened, so in many respects Nintendo had the final say OVER game producers. This is where Sega was different.. they really didnt give a cr@p.. blood, violence, religion, nudity, Sega games could have it all.. take a look at the differences for each consoles on say.. Mortal Kombat for Snes and SGen.. that's a perfect example of Nintendo screening their games.

Nintendo of America went further in that games released for Nintendo consoles could not feature nudity, sexuality, profanity (including racism, sexism or slurs), blood, graphic or domestic violence, drugs, political messages or religious symbols (with the exception of widely unpracticed religions, such as the Greek Pantheon). The Japanese parent company was concerned that it may be viewed as a "Japanese Invasion" by forcing Japanese community standards on North American and European children. Despite the strict guidelines, some exceptions have occurred: Bionic Commando (though swastikas were eliminated in the US version), Smash TV and Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode contained human violence, the latter also containing implied sexuality and tobacco use; River City Ransom and Taboo: The Sixth Sense contained nudity, and the latter also contained religious images, as did Castlevania II and III.

But what I find interesting is that Nintendo is the only modern games company that has NOT sued an emulator developer. In ANY CASE.. I think my vote on this would have gone to Secret Of Evermore if it was on the list but it wasn't so I went with Secret Of Mana.

Author:  Recca [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

I personally like the SNES RPGs made by Square Soft and Enix back in the good old days the most. They still had a few good ones even after they merged companies, but not quite as top notch as before in my opinion. As for the poll above, even though I really like Chrono Trigger, I was very disappointed with Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers for both the awful story line and characters. Therefore, as much as I like this game, I wouldn't want there to be a new sequel for it unless it was really well made, which would probably not be the case.

I voted for the Phantasy Star series, because it would be nice to see what happens after the Profound Darkness was defeated in Phantasy Star IV, though probably not much would really happen. That series along with the Breath of Fire one seem to have come to an obvious close. The same could probably also be said about the Shining Force series. And for those of you who may be wondering, I also didn't really like the Phantasy Star Online and Universe series. I'm not much into online gaming. I prefer more old fashioned single player RPGs.

Author:  SylarDean [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

see.. I love online gaming.. purely because of the new content it continuously gets with updates, new stories, new classes, costumes, achievements, mounts, crafting.. the list goes on and on..
but problem with those are the fact that you need to keep updating ur pc/laptop more often to keep up with graphics and newer games.

I recently built a new PC.. still need to get a GOOD graphics card for it BUT the onboard graphics card runs WoW/Wildstar/Asta/Ryse: Son Of Rome/Battlefield 4 and a few more next gen
games at full specs :) battlefield 4 runs at nearly full specs. I'm currently saving for the "GeForce GTX 980 Ti" $599 atm that's about £470.. its ranked number 1 atm on the high-end video cards listing..

Once I get that inserted into my PC.. I think my pc will last without upgrades for about 5 years :)

Author:  taskforce [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

I'm with you Recca, can't really stand online gaming either. Not only the MMO stuff, I'm not really a fan of online gaming much period. Just rather play a game alone.

Author:  Maeson [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

Well, I spent a little of my time on an MMO called Ragnarok Online, and while today I hate a many things about only online games (How you can't save your character in case something happens, how time-consuming they are, how updates can ruin months of work, how hostile people can be, or how cheap/boring can be to play in the most "efficient" way), I really had a great time.

Playing with others can be so much fun, when you have decent people around, of course. I met a lot of people and I still have contact with some of them today, years after I stopped playing. I also met a lot of assholes, but eh, what could you do...

Overall I think it was a great experience. Knowing how to play, learning or discovering things, knowing other people, talking about character builds, having to manage a guild and how to choose what castles we wanted to attack and defend in wars, each time there was an update it was like christmas, more items and places to explore...

I guess it's also important that all that was experienced when I was between 14/21 years old, it was something completely new to me. Looking back, I think it was good for me to grow as a person. It was a way of meeting tons of different people and try to do things together or having some project to work on (Like trying to mantain a castle either to improve it's stats or exploring it to see the best ways to defend it, and then decide as a group how to do it so we could get better items out of it).

There were boring times too, of course, but all in all I really don't regret my time spent there at all. Hell, I even improved my drawing skills or my english because of the time spent there.

I remember my last days where I made a joke guild named The Spanish Inquisition to conquer castles with a very small group of friends wearing red hats and all, and then defending it as much as we could being like 5 or 6 people. Each time we got a castle we would send a shout message saying "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" or "Diabolical Laughter!". The best part for me was to see the reaction on the forums, both giving props for being able to do that with so few players or just because it was ridiculous.

But today there is no way I would go back to a MMO. the reasons listed above are more than enough to me.
Besides that, I also put hundreds of hours on Monster Hunter Tri, (Actually a good chunk of my time playing was with people I met on Ragnarok Online, lol) and again, fantastic time.

Erh... Sorry for rambling.

But i'm not a fan of online game neither. Even less today. People is too whiny, stupid and competitive, and it's more often than not infested with DLC and microtransactions.

Recca wrote:
I personally like the SNES RPGs made by Square Soft and Enix back in the good old days the most. They still had a few good ones even after they merged companies, but not quite as top notch as before in my opinion. As for the poll above, even though I really like Chrono Trigger, I was very disappointed with Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers for both the awful story line and characters. Therefore, as much as I like this game, I wouldn't want there to be a new sequel for it unless it was really well made, which would probably not be the case.

Then you think pretty much the same as me. They are not capable of doing games like those anymore.

Author:  Draken [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

Well, I spent a little of my time on an MMO called Ragnarok Online, and while today I hate a many things about only online games (How you can't save your character in case something happens, how time-consuming they are, how updates can ruin months of work, how hostile people can be, or how cheap/boring can be to play in the most "efficient" way), I really had a great time.

Ha-ha! That was the first and LAST MMORPG that I ever played. I found myself all-consumed by it. I'd wake up.. Play... Eat meals while playing.. Go to work only to come home and play some more until I went to sleep. Sure, this wasn't that uncommon, but the thing with MMORPGs is that it seems to go on forever! I don't mind plugging in hours and hours on a good RPG, but the game eventually ENDS. MMORPGS were just too much for me. Too much of a time sink, and too much addiction. I deleted the game after a few months and vowed never again! :)

Author:  Maeson [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

What a coincidence, wow!

Word to that, too, it can be really addicting, that's why usually tried to control how much I played, and even take long periods of time away from the game (like for example a month or two) from time to time.

It's the only MMO that made me want to spend some time. Some days I would just turn it on to talk with people while I was doing other things. And I also remember that each morning I would wake up and if I had time I would go to look at other player's shops.

I also was somewhat famous for playing my GBA while on wars, because man, when others didn't want to attack your castle it could be boooring. +30 players ready for nothing. In fact while using TeamSpeak usually we ended playing "guess the game by the music". We could get that bored waiting for enemies.

...What can I say? It is/was a part of my life for some years, lol.

Author:  KingMike [ Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

If we're talking about liking despised RPGs... I have been playing Pokemon White 2 and I don't think it's that bad.
Now I haven't played BW1 if that's the one that gets all the real hate (and I imagine that yes, Famitsu probably did overrate it if that was the 40/40 game).
Really the only major complaint I can make against the game was that the EXP scaling was a dumb choice (if you played enough Pokemon you'd probably understand why it'd be acceptable in almost any other RPG but here it pretty much conflicts with the game's own balancing system). But I guess that is why they made certain trainers infinitely-rematchable (can refight every time you reset the map) to at least give SOME form of grinding spots.
Don't know how I'd feel about being limited to gen V-only Pokemon for the entire game (got both B and W 1 sitting sealed, waiting for me to play them some year :) ).

People say the EXP Share in gen 6 made the game too easy. After being a "big boy" and playing Y without EXP Share on ever, I've starting to question that decision. I just grinded more.
I probably should turn that on once I get into a Dex completion mood (even though I know it's never going to be complete, since I'll pretty much always be missing the legendaries)

I'm sure when the inevitable Z comes out, they'll do something about the difficulty level (probably boost the gym leaders with more competitive teams).

Author:  Maeson [ Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Poll: What RPG series would you like to see revived most

I think the problem is that is very easy to over-level your enemies, which makes the game laughabily easy... Combined with the fact that most trainers have weak/not evolved monsters, or very simple AI.

And I can say that with some knowledge, as I made several hacks for personal use to have a challenge, and in the third generation there is a value for the AI level...

...Most trainers have level 0. Not even kidding, just 0. More important characters or leaders have actual levels, but pretty much everything else is cannon fodder, which made me sad to discover. I know they are made to be played by everybody, but man, give us a hard mode or something. Maybe a mode where enemies try to use more monster that are strong against yours based on variables.

That said, trying to play underleveled makes for a much more challenging ride, either because enemies are actually a threat, or because maintaining your levels low can be hard.

Some games thankfully give you quite a bit of post-game content for that, even if I think the journey should be harder and more interesting. The best thing was the Battle Frontier, which is a bunch of buildings with hard fights with different rules and mechanics. Was really fun, although the game can resort to cheat if you're going too far in some of the modes... As in "Finding the very best counters to every single each creature of your team". The AI can get pretty hardcore there.

For me the best Pokémon game has to be the remake of Gold and Silver for DS, mostly for all the added content and because they are the longest ones for single player.

Something I would love to see is a main Pokémon game where everything is 3 on 3 battles. That would make creating teams much more fun... To me, at least.

...I would also like a game where you are the creatures instead of a trainer, or the trained could be used in battles too, lol. Wishful thinking, I know.

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