Well glad i'm not the only one that has issues but not glad its happening, either way.. my anti-virus I use is.. 'Bittdefender Total Security'.
..and i'm well aware these could be false positive being flagged, was just concerned for the users and website in general, even though i've
never had any issues in the past I don't think here.
I just assumed you'd change your website over from http to https like most other websites during 2021/2022 but if your not worried about it then don't stress.
Security ensures users can access your site safely, preferably through HTTPS instead of HTTP. HTTPS adds a layer of protection to your website, making it harder
to theoretically peer into your website and capture sensitive user information, such as passwords, or other data. If you've never had any type of data breach or
this site hasn't been hacked then I wouldn't worry about it to much, especially if it's a feature you HAVE to pay for.
All the best.
Looking forward to more translations